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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 전라북도 군산 영어로 표현하기 Gunsan, North Jeolla Province


Gunsan, North Jeolla Province

전라북도 군산



port city   항구 도시

western coast   서해안

rich history   풍부한 역사적 배경


tourist attraction   관광지

special attraction   명물, 명소

landmark   명소

must-eat restaurant   맛집


day trip   당일치기 여행

check out   직접 가서 눈으로 보다

drop by   방문하다



  • grow beyond recognition   몰라보게 성장하다

The city grew beyond recognition during the Japanese occupation of Korea.

The neighborhood I grew up in has grown beyond recognition.

The company grew beyond recognition in just a few years.



  • must-eat restaurant   맛집

Gunsan is famous for its must-eat restaurants.

I don't like to wait in line, even at a must-eat restaurant.

He chose the hotel, and I looked for the must-eat restaurants.



  • signature product   대표 제품

The bakery's signature product is the sweet red bean pastry.

I know it's their signature product, but I still think it's too expensive.

She buys the new signature product every year.



출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 December 2020 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
