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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 예비군 영어로 표현하기 Military Reserve Force


Military Reserve Force



military service   군 복무

be mandatory   의무이다

be discharged from the military   군에서 전역하다


reserve forces training   예비군 훈련

on standby   대기 중인

get rusty   녹슬다, 실력이 떨어지다

battle-ready   전투태세를 갖춘


nuisance   귀찮은 일

civic duty   시민으로서의 의무

divil defence   민방위


  • technically speaking   엄밀히 따지면

Technically speaking, Korea is still at war.

Technically speaking, they haven't broken up yet.

This neighborhood is not in Seoul, technically speaking.



  • in case of emergency   유사시에

They can be mobilized in case of emergency.

I always keep some cash in my wallet, in case of emergency.

In case of emergency, call this number.



  • get rusty   녹슬다, 실력이 떨어지다

They can prevent their military skills from getting rusty.

I played the guitar when I was in college, but I have gotten rusty.

To prevent getting rusty, I practice every day.


출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 January 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
