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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 등산 영어로 표현하기 Hiking






go hiking   등산 가다

go on a hike   등산 가다

hiking equipment   등산 장비


be good exercise   효과적으로 운동이 되다

need some exercise   운동이 필요하다

work up a sweat   (운동을 해서) 땀을 내다

get some fresh air   상쾌한 공기를 쐬다


low-cost   비용이 적게 드는

simple and easy   간단하고 쉬운

grow in popularity   인기를 끌다



  • twenty-something   20대인 사람

These days more than half of all hikers are twenty-somethings.

I did not want to go in because there were only twenty-somethings.

I wish I had traveled more when I was a twenty-something.



  • specialized equipment   특수 장비

You do not need any specialized equipment to go hiking.

I need some specialized equipment to fix this.

You don't need any specialized equipment to take good pictures these days.



  • first-timer   초심자, 초보자

Even first-timers can easily enjoy hiking.

Even a first-timer can win if he or she is lucky.

Before you get angry, remember that he is a first-timer.



출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 January 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
