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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 사회 복지사 영어로 표현하기 Social Workers


Social Workers

사회 복지사



community center   주민 센터

daycare center   어린이집, 아동 센터

look after   돌보다


local community   지역 사회 공동체

welfare service   복지 서비스

after-school activity   방과 후 활동

meal service   급식


operating costs   운영 비용

government-funded   정부 지원을 받는

maintain   운영하다



  • local community   지역 사회 공동체

They provide comprehensive welfare services to the local community.

I would like to give back to my local community.

My family do volunteer work in the local community.



  • wholesome fun   건전한 놀이

Local children's centers provide wholesome fun.

We played a board game and had some wholesome fun.

I think mobile games can be wholesome fun as well.



  • emotional support   정서적 지원, 심리적 지지

There are walfare programs to provide emotional support.

People who live alone sometimes have pets for emotional support.

My friends gave me emotional support after I broke up with my boyfriend.


출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 January 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
