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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 플랫폼 노동자 영어로 표현하기 Platform Workers


Platform Workers

플랫폼 노동자



online platform   인터넷 플랫폼

part-time job   임시직, 아르바이트

gig economy   임시직 경제 활동


permanent position   정규직

temporary position   임시직

employee benefits   직원 복지 혜택

labor laws   노동법


line of work   직군

working conditions   근로 환경

earn a wage   임금을 받다



  • line of work   직종, 업계

People in this line of work don't receive any insurance benefits.

Which line of work are you interested in?

You need to study a lot for that line of work.



  • on the job   근무 중에, 업무 중에

They could get hurt on the job.

We learned a lot on the job.

You shouldn't use your personal e-mail account on the job.



  • pay out of  pocket

They have to pay out of pocket for treatment.

You don't have to pay out of pocket if you have insurance.

It was an official business trip, so I didn't have to pay out of pocket.



* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 March 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
