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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 헬스장 운동 영어로 표현하기 Workouts at the Gym


Workouts at the Gym

헬스장 운동



lose weight   체중을 감량하다

bulk up   덩치를 키우다

gym rat   (헬스장에서) 운동을 많이 하는 사람


do cardio   유산소 운동을 하다

lift weights   근력 운동을 하다

workout routine   운동 방식

avoid injury   부상을 예방하다


stay motivated   의욕을 잃지 않다

be pumped up   의욕을 넘치다

get lazy   게을러지다



  • increase muscle mass   근육량을 늘리다

Some people feel they are too skinny, so they want to increase muscle mass.

I ate a lot of protein to increase muscle mass.

You can't increase muscle mass only with cardio exercise.



  • feel sore   몸이 뻐근하다

Excessive exercise will leave you feeling sore.

I was fine yesterday, but I feel really sore today.

My neck feels sore because I slept on the sofa.



  • take it slow and steady   천천히 꾸준히 하다

It's best to take it slow and steady when exercising.

You will last longer if you take it slow and steady.

If you take it slow and steady, you will succeed eventually.



* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 May 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
