Long-Distance Relationships
장거리 연애
from a distance 멀리서
miss someone dearly 몹시 그리워하다, 보고 싶다
be in a relationship 교제 중이다
with some effort 노력을 기울이면
make it work 가능하게 만들다, 해결책을 찾다
keep in touch 연락을 계속하다
touch base 연락을 하다
draw boundaries 경계를 짓다
personal life 사생활
built on trust 신뢰를 바탕으로 한
- spend time apart 떨어져서 지내다
Spending time apart hasn't been entirely bad for our relationship.
Even while spending time apart, we never forgot about each other.
Maybe we need to spend some time apart.
- have faith in ~을 신뢰하다
Having faith in each other is very important.
It's a difficult task, but I have faith in him.
Teammates must have faith in each other to be successful.
- take a lot of work 많은 노력이 필요하다
Maintaining a healthy relationship takes a lot of work.
Raising a kid takes a lot of work.
The report took a lot of work, but almost no one read it
* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 May 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
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