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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 오디션 프로그램 영어로 표현하기 Star Audition Programs


Star Audition Programs
오디션 프로그램

fad   (일시적인) 유행
music genre   음악 장르
vocal talent   노래 실력

contestant   대회 참가자
belt out   큰 소리로 노래하다
compete against   ~을 상대로 경쟁하다
audience participation   관객 참여

go up against each other   서로 경합을 벌이다
on repeat   반복 재생으로
playlist   재생 목록

  • be on everyone's mind   화제다, 유행이다

Trot music is on everyone's mind these days in Korea.
Tonight's soccer match is on everyone's mind.Skinny jeans were on everyone's mind for a while.

  • die-hard fan   열렬한 팬

Personally, I am a die-hard fan of "The Phantom Singer."
Even die-hard fans usually don't know this song.
I am a die-hard fan of that soccer team.

  • listen to a song on repeat   노래를 반복해서 듣다

I find all the great songs and listen to them on repeat.
My daughter listened to that song on repeat all day.
When I was young, I sometimes listened to a song on repeat to memorize the lyrics.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 June 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
