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[EBS 입트영] 꽃말 (꽃의 언어) 영어로 표현하기 Floriography - The Language of Flowers


Floriography - The Language of Flowers
꽃말 (꽃의 언어)

floriography   꽃말
symbolism   상징성
attribute meaning to   ~에 의미를 부여하다

special meaning   특별한 의미
symbolic meaning   상징적인 의미
unique characteristics   고유의 특성
stand for   ~을 뜻하다, 상징하다

bouquet   꽃다발
special occasion   특별한 날
thoughtful gift   사려 깊은 선물

  • convey a special meaning   특별한 의미를 전달하다

Thanks to their visual and aromatic effects, flowers convey a special meaning.
Most gifts given to 12th grade students convey a special meaning.
Some colors are believed to convey a special meaning.

  • thoughtful gift   사려 깊은 선물

You can give a more thoughtful gift by choosing the right flowers.
My friends brought thoughtful gifts to the housewarming party.
A thoughtful gift doesn't have to be expensive.

  • right for the occasion   상황에 적합한

You should choose the flower that's right for the occasion.
The outfit isn't my style, but it's right for the occasion.
I don't think this music is right for the occasion.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 August 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
