Losing a Credit Card
신용 카드 분실
wallet 지갑
metro card 교통카드
debit card 체크 카드, 직불 카드
lost and found 분실물 센터
report a card stolen 카드 도난 신고를 하다
report a card missing 카드 분실 신고를 하다
file a report 신고 접수를 하다
quick ID check 간단한 본인 확인 절차, 신분증 검사
cancel a theft or loss report 도난 분실 신고를 해제하다
get something re-issued ~을 재발급받다
- a theft or loss report 도난 분실 신고
I got a text message informing me that a theft or loss report had been filed for my credit card.
You can file a theft or loss report using the mobile app.
There is a 24-hour phone number for theft or loss reports.
- the lost and found 분실물 센터
They told me which station my card was at, so I went to the lost and found there.
I called the lost and found, but they didn't have my bag.
I found a phone on the ground, so I brought it to the lost and found.
- quick ID check 간단한 본인 확인 절차, 신분증 검사
After a quick ID check, I was able to get my card back.
In the past, you could get on an airplane after just a quick ID check.
You have to pass a quick ID check to buy alcohol.
* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 September 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
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