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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 갱년기 영어로 표현하기 Menopause






experience menopause   갱년기를 겪다

go through   ~을 겪다

in their 50s   50대에


get hot flashes   갑자기 열이 올라오다

have mood swings   감정 기복이 있다

be low on energy   무기력하다

have trouble sleeping   수면 장애를 겪다


be supportive   마음으로 응원하다

be there for someone   같이 있어 주다

look after   보살피다



  • a fact of life   (피할 수 없는) 현실

For women, experiencing menopause is a fact of life.

I don't like selfies, but they have become a fact of life these days.

For many men, hair loss becomes a fact of life.



  • mood swings   감정 기복

My mom has severe mood swings these days.

I try not to talk to him during his mood swings.

I sometimes get mood swings when I am tired.



  • be there for someone   ~의 곁에 있어 주다, 버팀목이 되어 주다

I want to be there for her as she overcomes this part of her life.

I was unable to be there for her when she needed me.

My parents always are there for me, no matter what happens.



출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 December 2020 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
