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[EBS 입트영] 집에서 반려식물 기르기 영어로 표현하기 Raising Plants at Home


Raising Plants at Home

집에서 반려식물 기르기


potted plant   화분에 담긴 식물

flower plant   꽃이 있는 화분

cactus   선인장


have green fingers   화분을 잘 키우다

keep something alive   죽지 않게 키우다

pay attention to   ~에 관심을 기울이다

water   물을 주다


comforting   마음을 편안하게 해 주는

air quality   공기 질

a sense of responsibility   책임감



  • high-maintenance   손이 많이 가는, 신경을 많이 써야 하는

The plant I received was not a high-maintenance plant.

It's a high-maintenance type of job.

My husband is very high-maintenance.



  • be held spellbound   신기해하다, 넋을 잃고 바라보다

I was held spellbound when I saw new buds emerging.

When I first saw the ocean as a kid, I was held spellbound.

The audience was held spellebound by the performance.



  • a sense of gratification   흐뭇함, 뿌듯함

Watching the small potted plants grow, I get a sense of gratification.

I get a sense of gratification after I work out.

As a parent, I feel a sense of gratification when my son thanks me.



* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 March 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)

