Raising Plants at Home
집에서 반려식물 기르기
potted plant 화분에 담긴 식물
flower plant 꽃이 있는 화분
cactus 선인장
have green fingers 화분을 잘 키우다
keep something alive 죽지 않게 키우다
pay attention to ~에 관심을 기울이다
water 물을 주다
comforting 마음을 편안하게 해 주는
air quality 공기 질
a sense of responsibility 책임감
- high-maintenance 손이 많이 가는, 신경을 많이 써야 하는
The plant I received was not a high-maintenance plant.
It's a high-maintenance type of job.
My husband is very high-maintenance.
- be held spellbound 신기해하다, 넋을 잃고 바라보다
I was held spellbound when I saw new buds emerging.
When I first saw the ocean as a kid, I was held spellbound.
The audience was held spellebound by the performance.
- a sense of gratification 흐뭇함, 뿌듯함
Watching the small potted plants grow, I get a sense of gratification.
I get a sense of gratification after I work out.
As a parent, I feel a sense of gratification when my son thanks me.
* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 March 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
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