Morning Person
아침형 인간
morning person 아침형 인간
early bird 아침형 인간
bright and early 아침 일찍
break of dawn 꼭두새벽
get out of bed 기상하다
get the day started 일과를 시작하다
get things done 해야 할 일을 처리하다
alone time 혼자만의 시간
time to oneself 혼자만의 시간
get a head start 유리하게 먼저 시작하다
- get something out of the way (내키지 않는) 일을 처리하다
It became more convenient to get my chores out of the way in advance.
I try to get the laundry out of the way in the morning.
I like to get my homework out of the way quickly.
- write down one's thoughts 생각을 적어 놓다
He said that he writes down his thoughts in the morning.
I take 10 minutes to write down my thoughts each night.
I write down my thoughts because I might forget them.
- alone time 혼자만의 시간
The mornings were his only chance for some alone time.
Parents rarely have any alone time.
I enjoy some alone time every weekend.
* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 April 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
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