No-Landing Flights
무착륙 관광 비행
travel restrictions 여행 제한
safety measures 안전 조치
travel overseas 해외여행을 하다
scartch an itch 불편한 부분을 해소해 주다
wanderlust 여행 욕구
duty-free shopping 면세 쇼핑
the next-best thing 차선책
go through airport security 공항 보안 검색대를 통과하다
take off 이륙하다
in-flight meal 기내식
- be given the green light 승인을 받다, 허가를 받다
"Flights to nowhere" that don't land have been given the green light.
We were given the green light thanks to his excellent presentation.
I asked my parents, but I haven't been given the green light yet.
- go through airport security 공항 보안 검색대를 통과하다
Travelers still have to go through airport security.
Going through airport security can sometimes take a long time.
I travel light to go through airport security more quickly.
- against the rules 규칙에 어긋나는
Eating during the flight is against the rules.
It's against the rules, but everyone does it.
Drinking in the dorm is against the rules.
* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 April 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
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