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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 자기 계발과 성장 영어로 표현하기 Self-Development and Personal Growth


Self-Development and Personal Growth
자기 계발과 성장

challenge   도전
anxiety   불안감
uncertainty   불확실성

comfort zone   안전지대
break free   벗어나다
face something head on   ~에 정면으로 대응하다
test one's limits   한계를 시험하다

opportunity   기회
self-help book   자기 계발서
true happiness   진정한 행복

  • get cold feet   용기를 잃다, 망설이다, 포기하다

Sometimes we get cold feet even when there's something we want to try.
She got cold feet a month before her wedding.
It's a big decision, so it's normal for people to get cold feet.

  • break out of one's comfort zone   안전지대를 벗어나다, 도전하다

In order to grow, we must try to break out of our comfort zones.
Failing the test made me break out of my comfort zone.
You can't really succeed without breaking out of your comfort zone.

  • put one's plans into actions   계획을 실행으로 옮기다

We have to push ourselves to put our plans into action.
If you don't put your plans into action, they will be useless.
I am often too lazy to put my plans into action.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 June 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
