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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 엄마표 영어 수업 영어로 표현하기 Mom-Taught English Lessons


Mom-Taught English Lessons
엄마표 영어 수업

early education   조기 교육
second language   외국어
home schooling   가정 보육

from an early age   어린 나이부터
get used to   ~에 익숙해지다
pick something up naturally   자연스럽게 익히게 되다
soak up knowledge   지식을 흡수하다

pickture book   그림책
read aloud   소리 내서 읽다
know by heart   외우고 있는 상태이다

  • know something by heart   ~을 암기해서 알고 있다

I've read some books to her dozens of times and she knows them by heart.
I've listened to that song so many times that I know the lyrics by heart.
I know her phone number by heart.

  • set the tone   분위기를 조성하다

Mon-taught English refers to moms setting the tone for kids to learn English.
Playing music is a good way to set the tone.
It's important to set the tone right away.

  • pick up a language   언어를 습득하다

Kids can pick up a language with little resistance when they are young.
To really pick up a language, you need to practice every day.
Meeting friends from abroad is a good way to pick up a language.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 June 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
