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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 내가 라디오를 좋아하는 이유 영어로 표현하기 The Reason I Like Listening to the Radio


The Reason I Like Listening to the Radio
내가 라디오를 좋아하는 이유

tune in   청취하다
turn up the volume   볼륨을 높이다
radio station   라디오 방송국

sensibility   감성
old-fashioned   구식의, 진부한
unique charm   고유한 매력
relate to   ~에 공감하다

streaming media   스트리밍 미디어
playlist   재생 목록
replace   대체하다

  • a golden age of   ~의 전성기, 전성시대

It's a golden age of media platforms.
It's a golden age of subscription services these days.
We live in a golden age in information.

  • bond with   ~와 유대감을 형성하다

You can bond with the other listeners when you tune in to a radio show.
I wish I had more time to bond with my kids.
We really bonded with each other during that project.

  • analog charm   아날로그 감성, 매력

Radio is an old medium, but its analog charm is unique.
A new product is better, but it doesn't have that analog charm.
Cassette players have a certain analog charm.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 June 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
