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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 대장 내시경 검사 영어로 표현하기 Colonoscopy


대장 내시경 검사

medical checkup   건강 검진
colonoscopy   대장 내시경 검사
gastroscopy   위 내시경 검사

prep for   ~을 준비하다
fast   금식하다
watch what I see   식단 조절을 하다
get the runs   배탈이 나다, 설사를 하다

in good shape   건강한, 멀쩡한
test results   검사 결과
additional tests   추가 검사

  • watch what I eat   먹는 것을 주의하다

I had to watch what I ate the day before.
I need to watch what I eat, now that I'm older.
You really need to watch what you eat, especially in the summer.

  • get the runs   설사를 하다

Just a few minutes after I drank the medicine, I got the runs.
I ate some spoiled food, and I got the runs.
I often get the runs when I am under a lot of stress.

  • in good shape   건강한, 멀쩡한

My large intestine and stomach were both in good shape.
I quit smoking 10 years ago, and my lungs are in good shape again.
My father is in good shape for his age.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 June 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
