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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 외국의 근무 환경 영어로 표현하기 Overseas Work Environment


Overseas Work Environment
외국의 근무 환경

work atmosphere   근무 환경
office culture   사무실 문화
coworker(= co-worker)   직장 동료

located overseas   해외에 있는
cultural differences   문화적 차이
speak freely   자유롭게 말하다
work hours   근무 시간

job level   직급
horizontal communication   수평적인 소통
stuffy atmosphere   답답한 분위기

  • feel like hard work   고되게 느껴지다

My job never felt like hard work.
Even a hobby can feel like hard work after a while.
Raising a child can feel like hard work at times.

  • freely speak one's mind   자유롭게(마음껏) 의사 표현을 하다

The environment encouraged me to freely speak my mind.
I encourage my kids to freely speak their mind.
I'm usually too shy to freely speak my mind.

  • better oneself   스스로 발전하다, 자기 계발을 하다

It would be best to adjust and better myself.
I read at least one book each month to better myself.
You should always try to better yourself, even if you are already successful.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 June 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
