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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 간헐적 채식주의 (플렉시테리언 식습관) 영어로 표현하기 Flexitarianism (Flexitarian Diet)


Flexitarianism (Flexitarian Diet)
간헐적 채식주의 (플렉시테리언 식습관)

vegetarian   채식주의(자)
vegan   엄격한 채식주의(자)
lacto-ovo-vegetarian   유제품 및 달걀은 먹는 채식주의(자)

vegetarian dish   채식 요리
special diet   특수 식단
become more widespread   더 대중화되다
intermittently   간헐적으로

plant-based   식물성의
meat substitute   육류 대체 식품
cut down on meat   육류 섭취를 줄이다

  • a tough habit to kick   버리기 어려운 습관

Eating meat is a tough habit to kick if you've been doing it all your life.
Smocking was a tough habit to kick, but I had to do it.
Using disposable containers is a tough habit to kick.

  • too much of a stretch   너무 무리인 일

Complete vegetarianism can feel like too much of a stretch.
If it isn't too much of a stretch, can you help me with this?
Doing it all alone was too much of a stretch.

  • on and off   간헐적으로

I recommend becoming a flexitarian and trying vegetarianism on and off.
I don't like golf that much, but I play on and off.
We dated on and off during college.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 August 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
