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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 한국의 김 영어로 표현하기 Korean Seaweed


Korean Seaweed
한국의 김

production   생산
global consumption   세계 소비량
major export   주요 수출 품목

farmed seafood   양식 해산물
wild seafood   자연산 해산물
mud flats   갯벌
nutrients   영양분

back-breaking   굉장히 힘든
bitter cold   혹독한 추위
biting winds   칼바람

  • set a new record   신기록을 세우다

Korea set a new record last year with 600 million dollars in exports.
The high temperature set a new record.
Korea's team set a new record at the Olympics.

  • be farm-raised   양식되다

Seaweed can only be farm-raised in oceans along mud flats.
I actually prefer oysters that have been farm-raised.
Seafood that is farm-raised is usually cheaper.

  • back-breaking work   매우 고된 일

Harvesting seaweed is back-breaking work.
We should all thank them for their back-breaking work.
It's back-breaking work, but I get paid well.

* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 August 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
