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EBS 입트영

[EBS 입트영] 잔반 줄이기 영어표현 Reducing Leftover Food


Reducing Leftover Food

잔반 줄이기



food waste   음식물 쓰레기

leftovers   남은 음식

pollutant   오염 물질


put to use   활용하다

new uses for   ~의 새로운 활용법

reduce waste   쓰레기/낭비를 줄이다

appropriate amount   적절한 양


take part in   동참하다

group effort   단체의 노력

do one's part   맡은 바를 다하다



  • go to waste   낭비되다, 버려지다

We need to reduce the amount of leftover food that goes to waste.

Instead of letting it go to waste, add it to the stew.

A lot of paper goes to waste because of unnecessary printing.



  • pitch in   기여하다

We can pitch in to protect the environment.

I wanted to pitch in, but I didn't know how.

We all pitched in to buy his gift.



  • get involved with   ~에 동참하다

Each household must actively get involved with this movement.

I learned a lot by getting involved with the club.

A friend suggested that I get involved with that group.



출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 December 2020 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
