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[EBS 입트영] 태권도 영어표현 Why Korean Kids Learn Taekwondo


Why Korean Kids Learn Taekwondo

한국 아이들이 태권도를 배우는 이유



martial arts   무술

after-school activity   방과 후 활동

take classes   강습을 받다


physical training   체력 단련

promote growth   성장을 촉진하다

good manners   바른 예절

self-discipline   자기 훈련/수양


as a group   단체로

get along with others   다른 사람과 잘 지내다

social skills   사회성



  • expend a lot of energy   에너지를 많이 소비하다

Kids expend a lot of energy through taekwondo.

I don't want to expend a lot of energy on this project.

I am proud of that report because I expended a lot of energy on it.



  • proper manners   올바른 예절

This way, the kids learn proper manners.

I don't want to go out with someone who doesn't know proper manners.

I have always tried to teach my children proper manners.



  • give someone a break   ~을 쉬게 해 주다

Training retreats give parents a break.

My boss never gives us a break.

I cleaned the house this weekend to give my wife a break.



출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 December 2020 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
