Sharing Through Monthly Donations
매월 정기 후원을 통한 나눔 실천
sponsor 후원하다
monthly donation 매월 정기 후원
charity organization 자선 단체
helping hand 도움의 손길
give someone hope ~에게 희망을 주다
give back (자선으로) 환원하다, 되돌려주다
value of sharing 나눔의 가치
build character 인성을 키우다
sense of accomplishment 성취감
pride 뿌듯함, 자부심
- standard of living 생활 수준
1. There is a much better standard of living these days than in the past.
2. Our standard of living really improved when we moved here.
3. The standard of living in Korea has improved greatly in the past few decades.
- give it some thought 고민을 해 보다
1. After giving it some thought, we decided to donate money each month.
2. Give it some thought before you make a decision.
3. After giving it some thought, I decided it was too expensive.
- helping hand 도움의 손길
1. My son feels good about providing a helping hand.
2. My coworkers offered a helping hand.
3. She always provides a helping hand, even when she is busy herself.
* 출처 - EBS 입이 트이는 영어 Octobor 2021 (이현석, 제니퍼 클라이드)
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