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EBS 입트영

[ebs 입트영] 영어 작문 독학 ; Street Basketball(길거리 농구)


농구골대와 농구공만 있으면 처음 만난 사람들끼리도 바로 게임이 진행되는 길거리농구!

실제로도 거리를 걷다보면 농구골대 밑에 삼삼오오(..?ㅎㅎ) 모여서 땀을 흘리는 건강한 장면들이 펼쳐지는데요,

빠르게 움직이며 공을 넣는 모습에 구경하는 재미도 있습니다.

축구나 야구와 달리 상대적으로 작은 공간과 적은 사람 수로도 충분히 즐길 수 있습니다!

ebs 입이 트이는 영어 스터디그룹 질문들을 활용해서 제 생각을 영어로 짧게 적어보았어요~!



1. What is your favorite sport? Why do you enjoy it so much?


I don't think I have great knowledge of all kinds of sport.

I haven't really done soccer, basketball or baseball either in my lifetime.

I would say I'm more likely to watch those sports on TV or in real field.

Among the three main sports, my favorite can be basketball, cause the game is very dynamic.

It is more likely to get scores fastly and quickly for each team, so we cananot assume which team is going to be the winner until the end of the game.

Also, there are some small entertaining breaks between games to games, which can attract people's attention.

Like me, basketball is better to understand for beginners compared to other sports.



2. Describe how street basketball is different from regular basketball.


Regular basketball should have full-court and five players per team.

Each team will take their court and they attack and defense during the game.

As far as I know, each single game has particular limited minutes.

The scoures able to get are divided into three types ; one point, two points and three points, according to how far a distance a player shoot the ball.

On the other hand, street basketball needs only three players per team and it uses half-court for two teams.

They share the court and try to get as many score as possible.

Is their a time limit?... I don't know.

For sure, street basketball is more flexible than regular basketball. (I mean it's more practical)



3. What are some other popular hobbies you or your family members enjoy these days?


I don't know  if I could say it is a popular hobby, but I am doing yoga these days.

Every morning, I wake up and go to the nearby gym and do yoga there.

I have done yoga for less than a year in the past, so I a little know how it goes.

I have already paid my money for it for 8 months and I am definately not going to quit it in middle.

For now, I will do my best on every single class and make more muscles on my body!

Who knows? if I could be a yoga instructor in the future?
