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EBS 입트영

[ebs 입트영] 영어 작문 독학하기 ; Stray Cats(길고양이)


따뜻한 오후에 한껏 햇빛을 받으며 여유로운 길고양이를 보면 덩달아 나른해 지는 기분이 듭니다.

하지만 추운 겨울에 먹이가 부족한 길고양이를 보면 안타까움에 시선이 떨어지지 않지요 ..ㅠㅠ

고양이는 영역동물이라 보통 자신의 구역 안에서 생활을 하게 되는데요, 작년 겨울에 작은 아기 고양이를 동네에서 본 적이 있습니다.

그 추운 겨울을 어찌 잘 견디었는지 훌쩍 자란 청소년 고양이의 모습으로 다시 나타났습니다.

부디 아프지 말고 건강하고 당당하게 살아갔으면 좋겠어요.

ebs 입이 트이는 영어 교재 속 Group Study Questions로 스스로 작문하며 공부해보았습니다..!



1. Why do you think so many people have pets these days?


I think that is because so many people these days probably feel lonely.

They are too busy with work, and don't have enough time to see their friends.

Also, as time goes by, especially young people don't really want to get married, which means they are more likely to live alone and it's getting hard to make their own family.

So it can lead them to have pets for their friends.

Dogs or cats are the most common pets to raise inside.

Just looking at them gives them lots of happiness and it gives them a mentally stable life just by thinking of their lovely friend is waiting for you to come home!



2. Is it a good idea to feed stray animals? Why or why not?


I wish people feed stay animals only when they have a right knowledge about it.

If they don't know what food is right for stray animals, you can just go to a mart and pick some for them.

I mean it will be bad for them when you just go to the convenience store and buy anything to feed them.

Usually, food for human has lots of salt inside, which is no good for stray animals.

You can look for some useful information online so that your kindness won't be misunderstood.

Also, when you feed them, please stay a little away from them, so that they can enjoy it!



3. Do you think stray cats should be spayed or neutered? Explain your reasoning.


It is a controversial issue, because cats can't speak and we don't know what they want!

If they should be spayed or neutered, they will not be able to have a baby cat anymore.

Do they really want to have a family? I don't know...

However, the sure thing is that when they got spayed or neutered, they can live their last lives in a peaceful way.

It can prevent them from having too much population, which can lead the lack of food eventually.

By the way, when it comes to pet cats inside, it will be better to get them neutered for both cats and people.
