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EBS 입트영

[ebs 입트영] Study Group Questions ; The Impact of the Coronavirus on our Lives(코로나


무더운 여름이 오기 전에는 끝나길 바랐던 코로나바이러스는 지금도 진행 중입니다.

처음에는 너무 답답하고 어색했던 마스크 쓰기도 습관화가 되어버린 요즘입니다. (지금도 답답해요!)

코로나 바이스로 인해 너무 많은 것들이 바뀌었고, 코로나와의 전쟁에서 승리하더라도 끝내 많은 후유증이 남겠지요.

'ebs 입이 트이는 영어' 스터디 그룹 질문들을 활용해서 코로나바이러스가 바꾸어 놓은 우리 삶에 대한 제 생각을 영어로 적어보았어요.



1. What is the biggest change caused by the coronavirus in your life?


Spending more time at home is the biggest change for me, cause I really don't like just being at home.

I used to be very depressed when I had nothing to do at home alone.

However, instead of just getting a cabin fever at home, I am trying to do something new.

The first thing I tried doing is cooking at home by myself including simple side dish and salad.

I was able to understand how happy it is to cook for me and time really flies~

Another thing I started doing is creating my blog and writing some posts on it.

I don't have many visitors yet, but it is just refreshing to share my daily lives with others.

I think I will keep doing my blog even if the corona virus pandemic ends.



2. What are some lessons we have learned from the coronavirus outbreak?


I have learned that nothing is permanent and it is more likely to lose a job when it is for producing service off-line.

The more world technology is developing, the more important the online market's role has become.

If we want to make our own business, it is essential to have it online as well.

Also, with this crisis, nobody else would be willing to help us economically, so that we should pull ourselves together!

Crisis is another way of a big chance, so we'd better to watch what is going on all across the world and be prepared for the next crisis.



3. Share some things that parents can do with their children at home.


I think it is good to teach their kids how to do house work.

Their being young doesn't always mean that there is nothing for them to be able to help their parents.

Let them know how to clean their room properly, so that from then on, they can do it by themselves.

Also, it will be recommended for them to read lots of books with their parents, since they cannot go to school or academies.

If they get interested in reading books, it will be way better than only trying to memorize what they have learned at school.

Don't just let them watch YouTube videos at home, but encourage them to read paper books!
