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EBS 입트영

[ebs 입트영] English 작문 독학하기 ; Korea's Response to the Coronavirus(한국의 코로나바이러스 대응)


한국의 코로나바이러스 대응이 전 세계적으로 주목받고 있습니다.

처음 한국에서 우후죽순처럼 확진자가 늘어날 때는 다들 패닉상태가 되었지만, 지금은 큰 고비를 넘겨 하락세를 보이고 있습니다.

하지만 방심은 금물...! Second Wave가 일어나지 않게 하려면, 여전히 사회적 거리두기에 힘써야 할 것입니다.

ebs 입이 트이는 영어 study group questions를 활용해 짧게 제 생각을 영어로 적어보았습니다.



1. How do you feel about the praise other countries are giving Korea related to the coronavirus response?


I feel very proud of other countries praises giving to Korea.

When the coronavirus first outbroke from China, we didn't avoid them coming to Korea.

That led Korea to have the second largest infected patients following to China.

At the time, many foreigners were afraid of being in Korea and they mostly got back to their home countries.

I also thought we were going to the worst situation and Korea would be destroyed from the coronavirus.

However, thanks to medical teams, well-educated citizen and the Korean government, we were able to go through the hardest curve.

Now that, many other countries are giving us praises and love calls for the conoravirus testing kits.

We korean people are usually inpatient, but this temper is helping us for now.



2. Talk about how you practiced social distancing in your life?


For me, as a cafe lover, I am trying to be at home rather than going for cafes outside.

It is like getting a cabin fever only being inside and doing nothing!

So I rather invited some of my friends and had some precious time together at my studio.

I have lots of coffee, juice and some other drinks and snacks as well, so it was like being at a cafe.

When I really wanted go outside, I chose to visit nearby mountain.

Wearing a mask, I kept walking, feeling fresh air and green trees.

If it hadn't been a mask, I would have forgotten about the coronavirus pandemic.



3. Describe the most difficult things you personally went through fighting the coronavirus outbreak.


One of the most difficult things about coronavirus pandemic is that I am no more able to do yoga without wearing a mask.

While doing yoga at the gym, I should wear a mask and it makes me hard to breathe.

The icing on the cake is that it's even getting hotter and I sweat a lot inside the mask.

Another difficult thing is not able to going to a coin karaoke for a while.

Visiting there and enjoying myself alone is one of my stress reliever... and it is blocked!

Well... we are going through such a hard time and everyone of each should take part in in their position.

I wish we all can take off masks before the end of this year.
