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[ebs 입트영] 버킷 리스트 영어 작문하기 ; Bucket List(버킷 리스트)


버킷 리스트 작성하기! ~ 다들 한 번씩 해보셨나요?

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단어만 들어도 가슴이 뛰고 설레는 버킷 리스트!

친구들과 서로의 버킷 리스트를 공유하고 이루고 싶은 이유들에 대해 이야기 해보는 시간을 가져도 정말 행복하답니다.

ebs 입이 트이는 영어와 함께 '버킷 리스트'관련 영어 표현들을 공부하고, Study Group Questions에도 답해보아요.



wish list 하고 싶은 것들

to-do list 해야 할 것들

check off 완성한 것을 표시하다


travel abroad 해외여행을 가다

learn a foreign language 외국어를 배우다

learn an instrument 악기를 배우다

get in shape 건강해지다


regrets in life 인생의 후회

sense of accomplishment 성취감

satisfaction 만족감



1. Share a few things on your personal bucket list.


I have my all time bucket lists ever since I turned to my twenties, which are going to Camino de Santiago to walk through the road and working abroad with a working holiday visa.

I don't know why I started dreaming of going overseas this much.

I always look forward to experiencing the world by travelling or living there for a while.

The reason why I want to go to Canmino de Santiago is that I want to find my self by walking for over thirty days in a row without anything but a backpack.

At the end of the road, I would find what is really important in my life!

I also want to work abroad as well, not too long but a little with studying there too.

The way I can achieve my dream is studying abroad with a master degree and work there as a student with a student visa.

I should study hard... haha...



2. How do you feel about the so-called YOLO (you only live once) lifestlye?


I was the one who followed so much about YOLO lifestyle for the last few years.

I think.... it is okay if it is just for one or two years and you are young enough to recover everything.

However, what I found about the YOLO life is that it can be a little dangerous when you keep having it.

After a few years of YOLO life, I found my self with no money and no specific working field.

The only thing I have is lots of pictures and unforgettable memories, and I am not saying it is too bad.

I don't regret on my past YOLO life, but I don't think I will do it again without thinking about my future.

I misunderstood the meaning of YOLO actually.

When we only live once, we should be well prepared for our future live as well!

I think I should make a plan for my well-organized YOLO life.



3. Are there any things on your bucket list that you've already done? Describe that experience.


One of my bucket lists was studying abroad when I am still a student in college.

I didn't want to graduate before I check off my bucket list and I think that's why I graduate this late.

After a long years off I finally went to Thailand as an exchange student!

Thailand was not an English spoken country, but it didn't matter to me.

I just wanted to have studying abroad experience and meet many other overseas friends.

Also, South East Asia was one of my bucket list area that I wanted to travel here and there.

As you can imagine, after finishing study in Thailand, I went to Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia~!

I could be a friend with the extreme heat in those countires...haha!
