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[ebs 입트영] 영어 작문 독해 ; National Health Insurance(국민건강보험 제도)


이번 코로나바이러스 팬데믹 사태를 겪으며, 다시 한번 국민건강보험의 중요성을 깨닫게 되었습니다.

가벼운 질병으로 병원을 찾았을 때, 우리는 진료비를 많이 지불하지 않죠.

하지만 다른 나라, 특히 미국만 하더라도 우리가 내는 돈의 10배 이상을 병원비로 지불하는 경우가 많습니다.

지금까지 당연하다고 생각해왔던 의료 복지 시스템을 다시 들여다보고 고마움을 느끼는 계기였습니다.

ebs 입이 트이는 영어와 함께 '국민건강보험' 관련 영어 표현을 공부해보고, 스터디 그룹 질문들에도 답해 보았습니다.



get sick 아프게 되다

get medical help 치료를 받다

visit a clinic 병원에 방문하다


financial burden 경제적 부담

relatively low cost 비교적 낮은 비용

in case of emergency 위급한 경우에

hospital treatment 병원 치료


insurance premium 보험료

insurance benefits 보험 혜택

income level 소득 수준



1. What are the pros and cons of private versus national health insurance?


Mostly, we koreans have the national health insurance and some other private insurance together.

It is not bad to make sure to be well prepared to uncertainties in the future.

However, the thing is that sometimes we pay way much money for private insurances, just because we are afraid of what's going on in the future.

I don't really think it is a pretty right way to spend too much money on it.

Because of too many unnecessary insurances, we are getting poorer and the insurance companies are getting richier.

The companies are actually using fear of unprepared future.

However, I believe there are many other ways for us to prepare for the future, not only with health insurances.



2. Are you satisfied with Korea's National Health Insurance? Why or why not?


I would say 'yes', and that's because, still, I am not paying that much money for it.

I am not paying much money, but I am trying to make the best of the Korea's National Health Insurance.

For example, this year, I visited a local dental clinic to get a scaling at a low price, thanks to the insurance.

I also went to an ob-gyn to have a test if I have a cancer inside my womb for free!

After I realized there are many benefits from the National Health Insurance, I got a habit of asking if I can get insurance whenever I visit a hospital or clinic.

I wish we could have more medical services than now which can be covered by National Health Insurance.



3. Why do you think Korea is so famous for its healthcare?


I think that's because, every one of each should enroll the healrhcare by law.

Even with paying small amount of money every month, we can get a lot more benefits when emergency.

Many people abroad get very surprised by how cheap medical fee is in Korea.

One of my foreign professor, who lives in Korea, said that his friends who live in the states don't even believe the amount of money we pay for medical clinics.

We usually can get medicine quite easily as well for cheap, thanks to the national insurance.
