달달하고 말랑말랑한 망고! 다들 좋아하시나요?
동남아시아로 여행을 떠나면 더운 날씨에 지쳐있다가 달달한 망고를 먹으며 당 보충을 하곤 해요.
날씨가 점점 더워지면서 망고 스무디, 망고에이드 등 카페에서도 망고 신메뉴를 선보일 것 같아요!
지구 온난화로 점점 기온이 올라가면... 언젠가 우리나라에서도 망고가 자랄 수 있을까요...?
ebs 입이 트이는 영어와 함께 관련 표현들을 공부해보고 스터디 그룹 질문들에도 답해볼게요!
tropical fruit 열대 과일
vitamins 비타민
minerals 무기질
delicacy 별미
exotic food 이국적인 음식
ripe fruit 익은 과일
in season 제철인
acquired taste 충분히 경험해 봐야 좋아지는 것
accessible 쉽게 구할 수 있는
preparation 조리법
[Study Group Questions]
1. What are your favorite types of fruit? Why do you like them?
My favorite types of fruit is one of those having a sour flavor.
I would say pasison fruit is my recent favorite fruit!
When we try passion fruit for the first time and without out sugar or something, it can be found extremly sour.
I like that extremly sour flavor like a lemon!
With passion fruit, we can make lots of kinds of delicious drinks or dessert such as passion fruit aid, passion fruit tea and of course passion fruit ice cream or bigsu(빙수).
The thing is that I couldn't find passion fruit at my nearby market.
Maybe I should buy it through online!
2. Why have tropical fruits become easier to buy in Korea?
That's definately because of the worldwide globalization!
Thanks to becoming easier to import and export between countries, it has become common to find many tropical fruits at the market.
Banana is not any more a rare and expensive fruit which we used to eat on a special day only.
As the globalization is going on, there have been no more borders between countries and it is also applied to tropical fruits.
3. Describe how you can tell when various fruits are ripe.
Before we eat fruits that we bought, to tell the fruits are ripe, we always use our sense!
Normally we use our sense of sight, smell and feeling.
When you first see the fruit, you might know the right color the fruit shoud have it is fully ripe.
If you are not sure, you can smell it to tell if the fruit is rotted.
In the case of peaches or grapes, you can also feel it to tell if they are hard or soft.
Of course, tasting the fruit is the most accurate way!
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