평생 살면서 tv에 한 번 출연한다는 것은 예전에는 정말 큰 이슈였던 것 같아요.
요즘엔 tv가 없는 집들도 많고, 저만 하더라도 tv를 보지 않고 유튜브를 더 선호해요.
이렇게 된 이유를 생각해보니, 요즘엔 다들 자기 손에 하나씩 작은 tv인 스마트폰을 들고 있어서가 아닐까 싶어요.
그래도 역시 누군가 우리에게 tv 출연 인터뷰를 요청한다면 무척이나 떨리겠죠!
ebs 입이 트이는 영어와 함께 TV 인터뷰 관련 영어 표현을 배워보고 관련 질문들에도 답해보아요.
on camera 화면상에
give an interview 인터뷰에 응하다
stage fright 무대 공포증
speak one'r mind 하고 싶은 말을 하다
act natural 자연스럽게 행동하다
outspoken 거침없이 말하는
eloquent 언변이 유창한
outtake 삭제된 부분, NG
mess up 실수를 하다
view 견해
[Study Group Questions]
1. Do you get nervous in front of a camera? Why or why not?
Yes, I might get nervous if I have a chance to stand in front of a camera.
I mignt want to behave naturally, but I don't think I can do it very well.
It is a different story, but when I take a picture, selfies don't even matter.
However, when others hold a camera and ask me to take a pose before taking a picture, I start acting in an uncomfortable way.
The photos, I check later, always have me with awkward smile.
I want to get over my nervousness to take actions in front of a camera and make a good video clip of myself someday.
2. If you could interview someone, who would it be? Why do you want to interview that person?
I would like to interview Robert Toru Kiyosaki who wrote a book called "Rich Dad".
When I didn't have any idea of being rich, I read the book and it taught me a lot about wealth.
The book told how to change a big flow of money coming in and going out.
However, since I am yet a beginnner, I don't know exactly what money is.
I would like to ask him what kind of capital I should buy in my twenties.
Also, how to distinguish bewteen buying capital and buying debt when it comes to self-improvement activities.
I think I firstly ought to read all his books released.
3. Describe a memorable interview you saw on TV.
These days, I am trying to read a lot and my most recent book I read is "Educated" witten by Tara Westover.
While I was reading the book, it felt like it was just a novel, and not a real story.
But it was her real educated story and when I searched and watched her book interview online, it finally came to me as a real essay.
She said how education changes our lives through the interview
She also appeared on many interviews even with Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates.
I believe it's a good way to learn a book when you also find its related book interview.
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