저는 스마트폰으로 가장 많이 하는 것이 채팅앱 사용인 것 같아요.
한 시간에도 몇 번씩이나 새로운 메시지가 왔을까? 안 왔을까? 를 확인하느라 집중이 안 될 때도 있구요.
그래서 저는 채팅앱의 모든 알람을 꺼버리는 특단의 조치를 취했답니다..ㅎㅎ
여러분은 주로 어떤 채팅앱을, 무슨 용도로 이용하시나요?
ebs 입이 트이는 영어와 함께 채팅앱 관련 영어 표현을 공부해보고, 스터디 그룹 질문에도 답해보아요.
by text 문자로
typo 오타
mobile app 모바일 앱
stay in touch 연락을 유지하다
make an announcement 발표, 공지를 하다
group chat 단체 채팅
work-related 업무와 관련된
expressive 표현력이 뛰어난
share content 콘텐츠를 공유하다
exchange gift 선물을 주고받다
[Study Group Questions]
1. What do you usually use messaging apps for?
Well... there are some messaging apps I am using now, that are Kakao Talk, Line and sometimes Instagram DM.
Each of those has different purposes.
Kakao Talk is usually for chatting with most of my friends in Korea.
I sometimes use Line when I chat with some of my friends from abroad.
Also, I rarely use Instagram DM, when I buy something from someone directly.
Thanks to many kinds of messaging apps, we are able to be connected with one another all across the world.
Most of messagings apps are free and they also give us other benefits too, such as sharing contents, making voice calls, or creating group chats.
2. Describe some ways that instant messaging makes life inconvenient.
As for me, instant messaging makes my life a lot less able to focus on something.
Though, I already check my messaging apps a while ago, I just can't take my eyes off of the apps and I find myself I keep checking those messages.
I sometimes don't usually reply to the messages I get directly, but I don't know why I keep checking it as if I am just relieved with messages I have.
In our smartphone, we have so many apps which distract us every single minute like Kakao Talk, Line, Instagram, Facebook or more.
I once wanted to be disconnected with all those chatting apps, so I turned off all the alarms ringing from them.
3. What are some additional features you would like to see in a messaging app?
I think we already have enough features in a messaging app.
Over sending a gift through messaging apps, sending money has been also available.
Among five senses we human have, messaging apps fulfill two of them ; seeing and hearing.
Maybe in the future, we might be able to smell, taste and also feel something through messaging apps.
What a time to be alive!
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