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[ebs 입트영] 원자력 에너지 영어 표현 ; Nuclear Energy(원자력 에너지)


원자력 발전소 관련 문제는 아직도 많은 이슈를 낳고 있습니다.

이론적으로는 가장 깨끗하고 안전한 에너지로 불리는데, 원전사고가 터지면 너무나 큰 피해를 일으키기 때문이죠.

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원자력 에너지는 그 해답이 될 수 있을까요?

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energy source 에너지원

generate electricity 전력을 생산하다

power plant 발전소


fossil fuel 화석 연료

energy policy 에너지 정책

sustainable energy 지속 가능 에너지

eco-friendly 친환경적인


reactor 원자로

meltdown 방사능 유출 사고

public safety 공공 안전



[Study Group Questions]



1. Are you for or against unclear energy? Explain your reasoning.


I am personally for unclear energy.

If we already have limited fossil fuels underground, I think it is the right thing to look for another energy sourse.

As far as I know, energy from wind, sunlight, or wave couldn't meet the demand for all we need.

Nuclear energy is unlimited and once we try, it will produce a lot more energy than from others.

Of course, we should be very careful and safety ought to be placed in the first place.

If nuclear energy is widely used in the future, we might not have to pay for electricity, because it will be too cheap. 



2. Describe some things people can do to use less electricity.


People firstly try it and practice it from their own house.

They turn off the light when they go out, and try not turning on the air conditioner at too low temperatures.

It is also good to make a habit of pulling off plugs that we are not using.

When they are able to make a good habit of saving electricity at home, they should take public electricity for theirs as well.

People tend to waste on electricity, water, gas or what's more, when it comes to they are from public.

We should save all the energy we have for keeping our environment.



3. What are some promising sources of sustainable energy?


Well... maybe wind energy, solar energy, or wave energy can be some promising sources of sustainable energy.

Fossil fuels will be worn out in the end, but those natural sources won't stop.

The things we need are some developed facilities or factories for keeping those energy.

Also, I heard, bio energy will be a rising sustainable energy source gradually.

We have a lot of potential sustainable energy for fossil fuels in the future, and we should keep looking for it.
